
The Space Between
The Space Between is a collection of my short stories and poetry, illustrated with my paintings, that all have a connection to Ireland. As a woman of Irish/English heritage descent, my feelings of belonging to two countries, where “going home” means leaving the other home, fills the physical space between with emotional space - love, loss, possibility, adventure and hope.
The space between sea and sky; between countries; between people; between the living and those who have gone before - need not be a nothingness, for there is always more than we can see.
Whilst I hope this collection will resonate with the Irish diaspora my aim is for any reader to make of the words whatever means something to them. I seek to tell a story, sometimes obvious, but often hidden - and share emotions that are universal to all cultures.
All proceeds from sales will be donated to two charities - Wexford MarineWatch, which provides suicide prevention and marine support, and Wexford Tidy Towns which provides clean, green and biodiverse initiatives.
The Space Between can be purchased direct or ordered from:
News From Nowhere Radical and Community Bookshop
96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY. UK
Email: nfn@newsfromnowhere.org.uk
Red Books
St Peter’s Square, Wexford, Ireland.
Email sales@theirishbookshop.com
The Wexford Book Centre
5 South Main Street, Wexford, Y35 K2PX, Ireland
Email: bookswexford@gmail.com
Soft Cover: 979-8-21-170931-7
Hard Cover: 979-8-21-170929-4
The Launch
Thirty thousand tons of steel.
Welded, hammered, forged
with mens lives
thunders into the sea.
Angled to hit the water and dip,
‘Hold your breath lads!'
She rights, and cuts through
the river like a knife.
Turning on the tide
to face the sea
that will carry her aloft
to foreign lands, adventure
She knows no fear
of storms yet to come.
For the bride of the sea,
the journey has just begun.